Join the NFTGA
Benefits of Membership
- National networking and job referrals
- Access to tour guide liability insurance
- Discounted fees to attend NFTGA tour guide conferences featuring speakers, workshops, lectures and panel discussions as well as opportunities for an informal exchange of information
- Representation for tourism-related legislative affairs at the National level
- Access to membership in the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA)
There are three categories of membership:
- Member Association: A Member Association membership shall be available to any tourist guide association located in the United States and otherwise qualifies for membership under criteria established by the Board of Directors from time to time. Member Associations shall be allowed two (2) Designated Representatives, but entitled to one (1) vote for each matter brought before the membership.
- Affiliate Member: An Affiliate Membership shall be available to any for-profit or non-profit tourism-related organization or business and otherwise qualifies for membership under criteria established by the Board of Directors from time to time. Affiliate Members shall have no voting privileges.
- Friend Member: A Friend Member membership shall be available to any individual who supports the goals and standards of NFTGA. Friend Members shall have no voting privileges.
Contact us below for more information about how to apply.